Welcome to Working On Wednesday! (WOW!) Every Wednesday we ask for you to share with the bloggy world what you are working on today! We also invite you to visit the Design Team blogs listed below to see what we are up to! Some have great projects, some tutorials, some giveaways, blog candy, and some have great reviews and info on new trends & techniques! Become of follower of each of the blogs too! Feel free to leave a link to your blog to show a current project, ask questions, announce a giveaway you are having, etc. Working on Wednesday is meant to be fun! So, let's hear it!
We have some AMAZINGLY AWESOME NEWS here at DCRU. We welcome a DT member LORI to our team. WARNING: She is beyond cute and talented. We consider her a double threat! She happens to be guest designing over at the DCRU Blog this month too! Check it out!
Lori is super excited to be here to join our fun loving positive bunch! Welcome!!
Can't wait to see what you are working on!!
Can't wait to see what you are working on!!

Woo Hoo! I'm first :) and y'all know that I'm never first for anything! LOL!
I'm taking a lazy day today ;) I've had vertigo for a while now and it started up again last night, so I need to just relax...
Hubs is home and will spend time with lil guy while I get to rest some and finish some DT projects and hopefully get ahead of the game :)
Hope y'all have a Happy Crafty Humpy Day :*)
~ margie
WHEW! I have a super busy day-although I do not have school tonight, I do have A LOT of studying to do for Thursday. Apparently my professor knows nothing, thus making my life a lot more difficult lol.
In the crafty world I am preparing for a blog hop this weekend,posting ahead for most of my DT work AND starting some holiday projects.
I also plan on reading book 2 of the Black Dagger Brotherhood- :)
Happy WOW everyone!!!!
I just finished adding Cosmo Cricket's Jolly by Golly and Lil Man collections to the store; now I am off to work on two posts.
I just was outside photographing a couple young deer on the lawn. They didn't seem to mind Harley barking like crazy at them.
Crafting...I've got Christmas orders to work on! Yay!!
Busy, busy! Pay It Forward treats, stationery, and getting ready for a weekend crop! Woo-hoo!
Ha ha well as you can see it's 10pm and i'm just now getting aroudn to WOW-ing...its been ONE of those days LOL!
I'm right behind you Jessica, it's 11:07 : ) I've had a busy busy busy day. Had to work last nite and had an MD appt. first thing this morning. Well I waited for hours and she never showed, was in an emergency surgery. So I came home, slept 1 hour, and back to the MD for several more hours. No crafting for me today! Got some DT work to do Thursday and Friday!
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